Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner
On Saturday, April 30 at 6:30 PM we are planning a “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” event. This is a great evening of fun, food and fellowship where the host provides table setting, beverages and dessert for 8 to 10 guests including yourself, and the guests provide salad, buns and casseroles. The host doesn’t know who their guests are, and the guests don’t know who the other guests are until everyone shows up at the appointed time at the host’s home. Wilma will call you and let you know what to bring and where you will be going. Please mark your calendars now and plan to attend. Sign-up sheets are in the Fellowship Hall. Please sign up on or before Sunday, April 24. This event is for all those 18 years and older. Any questions please text or call Wilma at 780-405-9411.