October 25, 2024
00:00 AM to 23:59 PM

Crestwood Men's Retreat

Friday to Saturday, October 25-26, 2024 at the Star of the North Retreat Centre in St. Albert. Theme:  “Mind Renewal for Men … Get rid of the old and put on the new” from Colossians 3. Pastor Dave Bootsma who serves at Free Grace PCA, Vernon, BC, will be the speaker. Online registration is now available. Please use the following link for the registration form and to access retreat details and fees: https://forms.gle/bzvXxB2ctP5DYLnRA The deadline to register is October 1.
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October 25, 2024
00:00 AM to 23:59 PM

Crestwood Men's Retreat

<strong>Friday to Saturday, October 25-26, 2024 at the Star of the North Retreat

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